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How can I be a father in Spain if I am gay?

The enthusiasm and the desire to have a child, that being to care for and educate all the days of your life, is a natural part of life for people regardless of their sex or their condition. The adoption by homosexual persons is an issue that has always been really controversial and contentious, with many voices both for and against this law, but that over time, and changes that have been taking place in our society today , he has been taking a different turn and today is actually accepted.

Being a parent when you are homosexual or gay is not easy because it is important that the education is going to give the person from little certain knowledge, that as expressed by many people in the history of adoptions include a couple homosexual, are skills of women. This is the view which for many years has remained about one gay or homosexual father who decides to take the step to take, but fortunately this kind of opinions have slowly been disappearing from our current outlook.


Parenthood same-sex couples has been a controversial issue that has created much controversy within our society. Let's say that until recently the fact that a person thought to be gay father was unthinkable and criticized. Fortunately, society has evolved to other ideas regarding paternity within relationships of same sex.

In 1987 in Spain he enabled the adoption homosexualEn currently are 15 countries already accept the homoparental adoption throughout its territory among which are Brazil, United Kingdom and Argentina among others. Thus, we also find three other countries such as United States, Mexico and Australia that allow a gay person is a parent in some jurisdictions of its territory. In Spain in particular can cite 1987 as the year that took place a modification of the Civil Code on adoption would allow paternity within a relationship between two people of the same sex.

The situation was also evolving so happened to afford paternity by adoption at first single parents and subsequently consolidated and couples. Thus, from 2000 the autonomous communities were changing their laws according to the advances that were occurring on adoption.

Procedures for adoption

When a person intends to adopt a child must be aware that all those formalities which must be exposed during the adoption process. First, those interested in making the request must show that presented their wish to adopt the Child Protection Service of the autonomous region from which it comes.

This request must first be accompanied by all documents certifying the applicant's personal data such as birth certificate, income statement, any criminal records that exist or the heritage which has among other documentation. Subsequently, the body responsible for analysis and collation of data submitted by the applicant, will start a record prior to the adoption proposal which shall include all circumstances and personal characteristics of the adopter either social and economic level.

An unconventional family looking aceptadaDespués be that the body has issued this case to the judicial authorities, these will be responsible for forwarding a car he can not approved or adoption according to the characteristics and situations that were previously analyzed the adopter. From here you will begin a long process in which various meetings in order to reach a agreement between the parties will occur.


One of the criticisms most widely performed around the adoption by a gay person has been how it could affect you when having taken the two men as parents rather than having the classical figure of the father and mother. Harsh criticism that has been studied by various scientists and concluding that those who have been adopted by same sex they operate just as well as those who were not in that situation.

A removal of this topic or idea has contributed more than 25 years of research have shown that there is any change related to the sexual orientation of their parents. Thus, something that has also contributed much to eliminate this idea in our society, is the breakthrough that this has on acceptance.

A few years ago it was unthinkable that this situation could be accepted without problems and even considered a risk that a gay person could adopt and raise a person without a female relation, but the fact is that there has been an openness of mind which has contributed to as to encourage a better opinion regarding such adoptions.

Rob Amstel -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author
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